
鈴木 亜弥子
Para Badminton
  • 2019
    World Championship Women's Singles 2nd, Women's Doubles 3rd
    Hulic Daihatsu Japan International Tournament Women's Singles Winner, Women's Doubles 2nd
  • 2021
    Tokyo Paralympics Women's Singles 2nd, Women's Doubles 3rd


Welcome to Tokyo, everyone! We are delighted that you have come to Tokyo, and we are thrilled to host the Asia Junior Sports Exchange Games 2023.
There may have been times when you couldn't practice as you wished due to the new coronavirus over the past few years. However, I believe that practice has gradually resumed, and you are all working hard with your teammates towards your respective goals, and dedicating yourselves to daily training.
Please fully demonstrate the results of your hard work and passion in this tournament from all the practice you have done and build upon as a valuable experience for the future.
Furthermore, not only during the matches but also by interacting with athletes from other countries, we hope you to expand the opportunity of your world. Sports have power. There are things that can be done and conveyed because it is sports.
We expect that you will convey the greatness of sports to many people with your power, and move our hearts with your play.
We are looking forward to even more of your future success. Finally, we express our gratitude to everyone who supported and cooperated in making this tournament possible.